Stick to writing about birds

Dear Editor:

I was at the Republican rally last week, and just so you know, Carl, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. It’s awsome to hear people talk about the United States of America like they love it instead of people who hate it and for what it stands for.

I was disappointed to see that Carl has found the president guilty on made up charges and rumors. Last I knew, Carl has never been a judge or jury. I was taught you were innocent until proven guilty.

As for Jon Tester, proof came out to he is the No. 1 receiver of lobbyist money in Montana. He does not farm anymore, he is too busy living the Washington, D.C. life. By the way, Jim Jones ran mowers, not swathers, and I hate Kool-Aid. See, I research. I do not parrot the alt left like Carl.

You should stick to writing about birds. But birds just fly around and crap on every thing they land on, just like alt left Democrats like you, Carl.

Miracle Browning


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