President Trump and the future of this country

Dear Editor:

Note to Carl,

I must take issue again with your constant bashing of President Trump. You now also seem to join other liberal Democrats who consider Trump followers as stupid misinformed lemmings who don’t know what is good for ourselves or this country, but you elite Dems will set us straight for our own good!

The contempt is obvious when an FBI agent said recently in a text that “You could SMELL (capital letters were his) Trump followers at Walmart”! When you can’t argue opposing opinions or issues or policies with facts and truth, you resort to calling names and demonizing those you disagree with.

Now everyone is aware that Trump followers are “Nazis,” racists, bigots, homophobes and “liars,” etc. We have heard them all but they have lost their effect from overuse! We elected President Trump because he wasn’t a career politician and our only other choice was a career politician that WAS well known as a liar – recall Benghazi, thousands of emails, the corrupt Clinton Foundation, Whitewater and many other corrupt schemes. Yes, and as Secretary of State under Obama, Hillary sold 20 percent of U.S. uranium to the Russians! And Bill was paid $500,000 for a 20-minute speech in Russia. Also Hillary’s “red Button’ incident with a Russian official. But that wasn’t Russian collusion???

Now it has been revealed that any wrongdoing was covered up and disregarded by a corrupt DOJ and FBI! Not to mention her shady past of stealing furniture and other items from the White House, 121 mysterious deaths of people close to her, 12 rape accusations and other sexual charges against Bill. Hillary was involved in those cover ups and many other scandalous reports. Anyone else would be in prison serving several life terms, but the double standard is obvious!

Yes, President Trump isn’t perfect but he’s a hellava lot better than Hillary, who would have taken us down the road to Socialism, destroying our constitution, especially the First and Second amendments in the process. Not to mention an “Open Border” policy that would have destroyed us politically, socially and economically, but would have created a perpetual voting base for the Dems.

In the meantime, in spite of all the intentionally distorted and misreported “fake news” and much sabotage from the “Never Trumpers,” President Trump has crated millions of jobs and a booming economy, destroyed ISIS, done things in foreign policy that hasn’t been done in over 50 years by career politicians. For example – talks with North Korea on nuclear disarmament and return of soldiers’ remains from the Korean War. He has created more favorable trade policies for the U.S. with nations around the world, including a recent trade deal with the European Union to divert a trade war over tariffs. Plus, he has reaffirmed a positive U.S. stance in the UN and NATO in getting other nations to pay their “fair share.”  Something other presidents only talked about but never got it done!

We hated Obama and his policies to destroy America as we know it, but we still respected the office of the presidency and didn’t try to disavow him as president. The Dems have no such qualms about their true intentions toward President Trump and the future of this country.

By the way, Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and Trump Anxiety Disorder (TAD) are treatable at mental health facilities for “snowflakes” who can’t handle the stress of modern day politics.

A veteran for Trump,

C.T. Ripley


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