If you like Trump, you will love Troy Downing!

Dear Editor, 

I am second generation in politics in Billings and have been involved 40-plus years, on both sides of the political aisle. In all the 40-plus years, I have never met or supported a candidate that connects ALL the dots like Troy Downing does.

If you like Trump, you will love Troy Downing!

Here are a few reasons why:

* He is not a career politician and not beholding to any special interests or pacs.

* He has built businesses in real estate (really knows Dodd-Frank), insurance (has a securities license) with his start in high tech, merging his startup with Yahoo in the late 90’s, has an export business (knows firsthand about tariffs)

* He is a U.S. Air Force combat veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan in combat Search and Rescue Squadron…because he loves America.

* He 100 percent believes in protecting the sanctity of life

* He even happens to be a talented musician

* He supports President Donald Trump’ s America First Agenda

Please join me in voting for Troy Downing, the conservative voice Montana deserves.

He is the one that can beat Tester – Making America Great!


Judy Crabtree Trenka


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