CPS not have enough foster parents

Dear Editor:

Opinion letter in reference to Gazette article regarding Child and Protective Services.

The CPS is always crying that they do not have enough foster parents. Personally, I can see why.

Friends of mine were foster parents for several years when a rambling drunk called Helena out of revenge to report that my friends were abusive and neglectful in caring for the children in their care. Let me tell you that no child in their care was ever abused or neglected. They were loved and cherished by the people caring for them. They had a clean home, good meals, never missed a doctor’s appointment or dental appointment. Even though foster parents are given a clothing allowance every six months for $200, my friends spent much more on their clothing out of their own pockets as well as anything else the children needed.

Without warning, workers showed up one Sunday morning early and said they had received a complaint in Helena that the babies in our care were being abused and neglected. They proceeded illegally to talk with my friends’ grandchildren, for what reason they still do not know. Then they proceeded to take off the babies’ clothes and diapers, thinking my friends were stupid enough to think that they were not smart enough to realize that they were looking for bruises or some form of abuse. They found none.

Then they brought up that there was a complaint about bed bugs. She told the snoopers that yes, CPS had brought them children with head lice, cost my friends a fortune to rid the children of the lice and as for the bed bugs, the COS brought in the bugs with some older kids’ clothes. The state never offered to help them financially to get rid of either the lice or bugs. Before they knew it, all the babies were taken away. No warning, no investigation as to the truth of the matter, just took the babies. CPS workers are about as cold and hard hearted as they come. So, if you are thinking you want to be a foster parent, I would advise you to think again. They could care less if you are a good and caring person or someone in it for the money, which is not all that great.

They bring in head lice, bed bugs, kids who haven’t had a recent bath and a lot of kids with an attitude.

The kids are checked on once a month and visit with the parents once or twice a week. You would think someone would notice if there was any wrongdoing with the children.

Discrimination comes to mind, and if I were those foster parents, I would sure, and not feel bad about doing it. It is terrible of CPS to treat people like criminals when they knew that no baby or child went out of this home abused or neglected.

Terry Hauser


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