Get to Know Your Candidates: The Green Party’s Robert Barb

The upcoming U.S. Senate election here in Montana is not just a duel between Democrat Jon Tester and Republican Tim Sheehy, but also features multiple third-party candidates, including the Green Party’s Robert Barb. Part of being an educated voter is knowing who all your candidates are and what their platform is. For this reason, we reached out to Barb to get his stances on certain policy issues.

According to Barb’s campaign website, he has “lived off the grid in the mountains of Western Montana for decades in concert with the environment and with a minimalist footprint.” He hunts, fishes, and grows his own food. Barb was previously a candidate for Governor of Montana in 2020, but withdrew before the General Election. Below are his answers to specific policy questions.

What is your stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict? Now that Iran has directly attacked Israel, how should Israel and the United States respond?

We need to free Palestine now. Israel should agree to a ceasefire. Jon Tester has not supported Palestinians enough. He must denounce Israel’s actions and call for the U.S. to stop aiding in Israel’s attack on Palestine. We need to get United States’ politics, taxpayer dollars, and human suffering of our military personnel (and their families) out of the Middle East conflict, which is largely based on thousands of years of religious conflict.  

Should the U.S. engage in foreign wars in order to preserve democracies abroad?

The U.S. should stop interfering in wars worldwide, but instead support countries’ sense of individuality and let them fight their own battles. The U.S. continues to involve us in long wars, while our military presence strong arms other countries.  Our military needs to be cut dramatically because it is unsustainable and immoral.  We have a lot of problems at home in our country, which should be our priority and focus.

Would you support legislation to federally legalize recreational cannabis?

Yes, the government needs to legalize marijuana and reallocate the funds that are being used for the “war on drugs”. Those who have been convicted for the possession, sale, or cultivation of marijuana, should have their records cleared, granted amnesty and released from prison. This is the first step in decriminalizing all drugs in the U.S.

How do you think the federal government should combat climate change?

This first step the federal government should do to combat climate change is by passing the Green New Deal. This will transition our country to 100% clean energy by 2030.  We need to reduce oil production and cease the harms caused by fracking.

Is illegal immigration a concern for you? What measures of border security would you support?

Immigration is a human rights disaster under the current Administration and Jon Tester. Instead of alienating these individuals, we need to be creating job programs that help integrate those coming to our country into the work force so that they can be paid a living wage and have access to healthcare.  We also need to actively screen them to make sure foreign combatants who mean to do our country harm are not allowed in.

Would you support any federal restrictions on abortion?

I support a women’s right to choose and make her own healthcare decisions. This decision should be between a woman and her doctor, a politician should be nowhere near this discussion. I will always support a woman’s right to choose at any point of the pregnancy.

Is the national debt a concern for you? Where would you suggest the federal government make spending cuts?

Yes, this is a large concern for Americans.  It is perhaps the biggest threat to our country’s future because politicians like Jon Tester refuse to do anything about it. To reduce the national debt, the federal government needs to increase taxes on the large corporations and polluters and eliminate loopholes for the ultra-wealthy.

The Green Party base is generally fairly left leaning. Why should liberal voters cast their ballot for you over Jon Tester?

Jon Tester has been in D.C. for nearly 18 years, and he has stopped working for Montanans.  He’s apparently too busy catering to lobbyists to be the #1 recipient of political contributions.  Tester is not doing enough to fight climate change, release Palestine from the Israel’s control, and ensure everyone who is living in our country is earning a fair, living wage and working in safe conditions. It is time for new leadership in D.C. who will pass the Green New Deal, stop funding to Israel, and legalize abortions for women across the country. 

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