Voters can Make a Choice

Dear Editor,

This is a Letter to the Editor (LTE) to put a few things on the table for Veteran’s thoughts.

There is an individual running for office that ‘bought’ a Bone Spur diagnosis to make him unqualified for the draft during the Vietnam War. During a trip to Europe, to remember those fallen during WWII, he called them “SUCKERS AND LOSERS”. Said, of the late Senator McCain, “He is not a HERO because he was CAUGHT”. We of that era, as well as you of other engagements, know the torture and suffering that the “Prisoners of War” are/were subject to. Called himself a “Nationalist” on several of his rallies. One has a hard time justifying being a “Patriot” when calling himself a “Nationalist”. He has supported Autocrats, Authoritarians and Dictators over Democratic Country leaders. He negotiated the “withdrawal of Afghanistan” with the Taliban, including the release of multiple thousands of Taliban prisoners, to return before the withdrawal; without including the Afghanistan Government. The by date was set and whomever executed it was strapped. You make your own decision(s) on any responsibilities. He said he will be a “Dictator” on day one. He was convicted of 34 Felonies of ‘Fraud’ that included funds used paid to a Porno Star, not to reveal their encounter. He said The Medal of Freedom compares higher than “The Medal of Honor”, having awarded The Medal of Freedom to a, now late, Radio Talk Show Host and a Major Donor to his Campaign; and awarded “The Medal of Honor” to service members whom went ‘beyond the call of duty’ to save their fellow service members and/or “Made the ultimate sacrifice”. Those of you having served in combat know the “REAL” difference!

There is a LTE from a young Marine Corporal that actually repeats what several of your LTE’s are writing. Apparently, if they keep repeating things they will start to believe them themselves!! Granted most of the events they mention, took place. The ‘problem’, they don’t research WHY/REASON those events took place. All they can do is “BLAME” Senator Tester. For their (LTE writer’s) information there are two Senators from each state, NOT just Senator Tester making all the deciding votes. During the Trump Administration, I can remember a FULL page of SIGNED Legislation, in our newspapers, that Senator Tester “THANKED” the then President during a visit!

We tend to forget what one actually has done for Montana, during voting periods because of all the negative (rhetoric) towards and from candidates.

Stop blaming and find out WHY the representation (all representatives) vote the way they do. Rhetoric is cheap, FACTS/TRUTH do/does not change!! Also, remember the Trump Administration was led totally by Republicans his first two years in office, how did that go??!!

Voters can make a choice between a “Montanan” (one who knows Montana values) OR another ‘Out of State’ person (with his own values to transplant).


Semper Fi,


George D. Nilson, Captain USMC (Ret) “Mustang”

Billings, MT

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