Dear Editor,
Mr. Crisp is at it again. 4/28 he disputes Emily Daniel noting the Biden Administration (Grandma Garland) have weaponized the DOJ by categorizing parents protesting at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. If you are like Crisp and only get your news from the Lame Stream Media, you would not know about DOJ actions. But honest news sources have been reporting DOJ’s actions for three years! This includes folks who have filed protests over rigged elections. Heritage Foundation has identified 1500+ precincts that have election irregularities – several have been successfully prosecuted. A whistle blower at a children’s hospital in Texas is now being threatened by the FBI. It goes on and on.
Crisp obviously believes the “fact checkers”. First, we had “snopes” and “urban legends” who claimed to give us corrected info. It soon became apparent they were both biased. Further investigation revealed both were run by ardent democrats. In 2016 when Hillary was being exposed for all her evil deeds and lies, the democrats invented “fact checkers”. But here again they didn’t check facts – they just stated anything Hillary said was fact and anything Trump said was false! Remember how CNN proclaimed they had identified 12,500 lies by Trump. Not to be outdone CSNBC said they had come up with 13,248. But when CNN & CSNBC were challenged to give 1 (yes one) thing Trump had stated that was a proven absolute lie – neither could come up with one thing! If CNN or CSNBC disagreed with something Trump said, they claimed it was a lie! Trump called their reports “fake news” which is exactly what it was and still is.
Crisp say he is opposed to parents being allowed to determine whether their tax dollars and children go to a private school or a public school. Why shouldn’t parents have the choice? The USA thrives on competition. Our public schools are a bloated mess where our children receive all kinds of indoctrination but very little education that will prepare them for a successful life. IF parents start sending their children to private schools and the tax money follows the student, it will force our public schools to go back to teaching the basics, and thus benefit ALL students.
7/5 Crisp says we should give Tester & Busse accolades for being knuckleheads. Neither of these clowns have a clue about the 2nd Amendment. IF either wanted to do something about gun violence, they would join the NRA and promote the NRA’s safety programs. There are reportedly 360,000,000 (yes, 360 million) fire arms in the USA. Obama & Biden have been tremendous gun salesmen! The guns will never be turned in or confiscated! We need to require annual safety training for all owners and prosecute ALL gun offenders. Education on gun safety is our only hope.
I will start patronizing Tractor Supply again. After losing 2 billion dollars, they have finally woke up to the fact “woke” is tearing our country apart. Hopefully, other businesses will get the message.
Clint Kegel
Billings, MT