Those who are pro-life OR pro-choice need to understand the truth about CI-128

Dear Editor,

Those who are pro-life OR pro-choice need to understand the truth about CI-128, which seeks to embed abortion into MT as a Constitutional right. Planned Parenthood operatives have been unleashed upon our state to gather enough signatures by June 21st to put an anti-baby, anti-woman agenda on our ballot this fall. The activist MT Supreme Court helped draft the vague, open-ended language, and signature gatherers will not be required to be transparent to the public as to what this liberal court system can interpret through it.

            This change would allow for unlimited abortion, including partial-birth or dismemberment abortion. I can not believe most Montanans, even if they are pro-choice, would truly want that. In the language “healthcare professional” is left intentionally vague, meaning ANYONE loosely associated with healthcare can approve of abortion at any stage of pregnancy, and will make MT an abortion hub for those from other states who have not passed this horrific amendment. Taxpayers will be forced to pay for many of these abortions.

            Both sides of the aisle are against sex trafficking. This initiative will allow for protection of predators and sex traffickers who force victims to obtain an abortion. How sick is that?

            Parental rights are currently under attack from many areas including in the public school arena, and now with this initiative. If your child becomes pregnant, her partner can take her in for an abortion without notifying you or getting your consent (no matter the age). Planned Parenthood will be allowed to hide cases of statutory rape.

            There is also vague language about “reproductive care”, which with our activist court system could be interpreted potentially to create a right for anyone, any age, to undergo irreversible, harmful gender reassignment surgery or obtain puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. Research the “WPATH files leak” to see the evil cover up exposed.

            If you or someone you know has signed this petition, now has a greater understanding of what it entails and regrets signing, there is a form on the Secretary of State website you can fill out to have your signature removed. Every little bit helps. Please educate everyone you know and encourage your pastors to speak up about this in your churches so we can stop this atrocity in its tracks. Otherwise, we will have a very different MT by the end of the year if this initiative passes. Refer to, MT Family Foundation, Robin Sertell Ministries, or for more info.

Jessie Browning

Billings, MT

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