Youth Protests – BACKFIRE!


Dear Editor,  Youth Protests – BACKFIRE!

America has gone through a LOT over the years. Good and not-so-good. I personally lived during the Vietnam error. I was fortunate. I served my three years in the Army, primarily in South Korea and Germany. Lots of protests. Lots of conscientious objectors defected to Canada. Those fortunate in coming home from Vietnam, were not welcome back, and yes, even spit upon. Ugly to say the least. These were primarily young college people as well who could have served, but did not and would not serve their country.

What is concerning NOW is witnessing what is going on at our college campuses regarding America’s support and involvement with the war between Israel, Gaza, Palestine, Hamas and other terrorist groups. Most notetably, “DEATH TO AMERICA” sentiment.

What is also concerning NOW is less than 1% of our young people now serve in any branch of America military. Combine that with the fact of our open border policy and/or we are now “flying” people into America, (11 different nationalities, I believe), while having no idea who they are or what their overall intent is in coming into America. Are they truly looking for a better life or are they looking to harm America?

What is concerning for the FUTURE. I personally am of the opinion that there is very, very likely a huge number of ill-intended people coming into America and with serious intent (terrorist cells) to bring chaos and yes, DEATH TO AMERICA.

What is the correlation of my points I’ve expressed above? If I am correct, and the above does take place, and America falls, these young people who are protesting NOW, will possibly be living under a far worse governmental system. No Government – NO GOVERNMENT is perfect or without flaws.

Won’t it be ironic, SAD in fact, that the young protestors of today, are not only not proud of their country, but won’t serve the very country that has provided so much for them in the way of freedom. If/When we and they lose their freedom, my question becomes: 1) Who will they protest? 2) How or can they dare protest? 3) Will they regret or place blame on themselves for protesting and helping in losing what the freedom they once HAD? I hope I’m wrong, and likely won’t be around long enough to see.


Edward O. Hoem

Billings, MT  

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