Dr. Garcia, SD2 Superintendent, Will Provide Voters With a Presentation

Dear Editor,

Dr. Garcia, SD2 Superintendent, will provide voters with a presentation describing the Safety Mill Levy and how funds will be spent on April 23 at 5:30 pm in the Billings Public Library. The program will be broadcast on Community Seven and available on Facebook and YouTube.

The needs for providing school safety have been changing and not in a good way. School shootings, student suicide, video gaming and social media have all played a role in desensitizing students to the use of violence to express a negative feeling at home, in the community and in the schools.

Mill levy funds will be used, in part, to provide physical security in the school setting, thereby reducing the anxiety felt by many students, staff and parents. Entry points will be better controlled and monitored. Hallways and open spaces in the schools will be monitored by surveillance cameras. Additional measures as recommended by an independent safety study will be implemented as feasible.   Funds will also be available to continue successful programs which were previously funded by grants.

The second major use of mill levy funds will be to intervene with students who are at risk. Additional SRO’s (sworn law-enforcement officers with arrest powers) will be hired as well as counselors and nurses. Intervention is aimed at helping the student deal with the issues which are preventing success in the school setting. SD2’s goal is to make each student feel safe and successful in school and to achieve to the best of the student’s capability.

Addressing the combination of physical safety and mental and emotional well-being will, it is anticipated, reduce drop-outs, gang membership, and student suicides while at the same time increase learning success and a feeling of self-worth.

SD2 Administration and Board of Trustees have sought ways to provide necessary safety funds in the existing budget to no avail. To put it simply, the money is not available without affecting existing programs. Should the levy fail, all SD2 funded activities may be subject to cuts including sports, academics, arts, etc.

Dr. Garcia will be available after the presentation to answer questions.


Pam Ellis


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