Dear Editor,
Two “Crisp” thoughts;
My money is on the fact that David Crisp, the person, is a very nice, well intended, good hearted person. I personally read all of his columns; however, very seldom do I agree with his points more than I disagree.
This past week, he referred to Donald Trump as digging a deep hole and keeps on digging. David states of Trump’s “unwillingness, perhaps inability, to even admit he’s wrong”. Could that apply, at least, on occasion, to David Crisp as well?
For example: David’s final closing argument, and I quote: “For Trump, a big shovel isn’t enough. He needs a bulldozer.” A bulldozer does not dig a hole. It digs a trench. One can typically walk out of a trench. The primary purpose of a bulldozer is to “MOVE DIRT”, which in my opinion, needs to happen in order to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”.
To my second point: I mentioned last week, that I am currently reading Jordon Peterson’s book titled 12 Rules for Life. Rule #2 is “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.” At the heart of Rule #2 is that you MUST take care of yourself in order to best being able to help others.
Enter “Open Borders”. The Southern Border is totally open. Consequently, flooding the United States to the point that the cities that BOAST they are sanctuary cities cannot support them and are not able to provide even the basic of necessities. Enter II: Take care of yourself in order to “best” being able to help others. The United States will never solve all our challenges; ie: we’ll never become a utopia. When sanctuary cities cannot live up to what they “proclaim” they stand for, we are far cry from being prepared and able to help those flooding into the United States in looking for a better life.
One final unrelated comment: The “State of the Union” that was delivered this past week, was NOT a “State of the Union” as much as it was a campaign speech!
Edward O. Hoem