Oops, Guess They Got That Wrong – FOR 2.5 YEARS! 

Dear Editor,

While reading the recent Oct 27th article in “Between the Lines”, I was struck by the ironies of his commentary on the current state of the media.  The writer was lamenting the decline of the print media linking it to the rise of the internet proclaiming it a “sinkhole of lies and misinformation”.  I was struck by M. Hirsh in Politico (a left leaning rag) who proclaimed it “10,000 weeds … where like-minded gather to get their information, much of it garbage”.  Recently, the left’s most prestigious rag, The New York Times (and EVERY other rag liberal media outlet including local print and news) that Israel had bombed a hospital in Gaza!  Within minutes, Israel showed the world the evidence that, in fact, Hamas bombed the hospital!  No truth (garbage?) to the story, no retraction, no apology and especially no equal amount of vitriol or condemnation directed to the actual perpetrator of this war crime/atrocity noted, printed or circulated!

So, who is filling the papers and airwaves with garbage and misinformation?  By far, the vast information is disseminated by an utterly corrupted liberal media; ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, almost every newspaper globally.   Also, we found that our government has been participating in this misinformation.  The 3-year war against President Trump over Russia-gate was ultimately proven NOT true!  Elon Musk exposed that fact that almost every alphabet agency of the government (DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA and even FISA court, etc.) participated in censoring speech almost exclusively on the right.  I would call our government the greatest purveyor of “misinformation”.  Last but certainly not least, the greatest hoax of all was the Covid pandemic. The misinformation spread by Dr. Fauci and his minions, blocking almost all social media sites; esteemed doctors, scientists and scholars to shut down govt., shutdown businesses and “get the jab” to save civilization!  Oops, guess they got that wrong – for 2.5 years!  Now, we get the true story: masks don’t work, the shot doesn’t make you immune, and 8 million people died.  Our current President (currently at 5th or 6th vaccination) still getting the Covid.  Endless stories covering up DNC bad news (heard of the Hunter Biden laptop)?  Scant mainstem media coverage for 3+ years.  Or amplify GOP troubles; Trump fake trials run 24/7.   Space limits me to just a very few examples. I could go on for many more pages.  So where are we?  I agree with the author on this point – the trust in govt., media and news is gone, squandered.  But who caused this overwhelming majority of the mistrust?  The “media”, at all levels, must look inward and ask themselves where are the Woodward and Bernstein’s of our time?  ABC received a Pulitzer prize for their coverage of Russia-gate and it was all a lie!  No, they did not apologize, recant the story OR return the prize.  Shame on them.  No reporters anymore.  Newspapers strip AP articles (hugely biased news organization) of the internet and print them as if gospel. The media was supposed to be the fourth leg of the stool to balance/protect us from runaway government, and, instead, they locked arms with the Democrat party.  Media turned their backs on a 200+ year heritage, insulting half of their “customers” on a daily basis, going back at least to the Reagan Presidency.  You’ve been exposed.  You made your bed, now lie in it. 


Dave Malek


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