Commenting on “…Children’s Lawsuit” from 9/8/23 YCN.

Dear Editor,

Commenting on “…Children’s Lawsuit” from 9/8/23 YCN. Prominent climate scientists, William Harper of Princeton University and Richard Lindzen of MIT, have stated in their court case against the EPA, “All the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they grossly over predict the warming versus actual data. The scientific method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather.” Further, Harper says, “That was already an embarrassment in the ‘90s, when I was director of energy research in the U.S. Department of Energy. I was funding a lot of this work, and I knew very well then that the models were over predicting the warming by a huge amount.”

The two write the industrial revolution increased CO2 from about 280ppm to about 420ppm causing an approximate 20% increase in the food available to people worldwide. Natural gas synthetic fertilizers are responsible for half of the world’s food production. The drive for “net zero” will proportionately reduce the world’s food supply.

Harper highlights “climate scientists” failure to recognize the phenomenon called “saturation” (the diminishing effect of CO2 in the atmosphere as concentrations increase). Harper says, “…if you double…CO2 from 400 to 800…the amount that you decrease radiation to space is only 1%. That’s what’s called saturation, and it’s been well-known for a century.”

The natural expectation is an expert climate witness testifying in any climate trial knows of climate saturation and divulges such knowledge when under oath to tell the whole truth.


TJ Smith,


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