Candidate forums in each of Billings’ 5 city council wards

Dear Editor,

League of Women Voters of Billings, in conjunction with Forward Montana and Kiwanis Club, will be hosting candidate forums in each of Billings’ 5 city council wards throughout the weekend of October 7 – 8. Billings’ own Big J of the Big J Show on Hot 101.9 has agreed to be guest emcee for these forums. As with the previous park forums, the League will be ‘running the show’ so to speak, as timekeepers and general day of event organizers. Kiwanis Club will be taking care of all electronics. Each ward has a scheduled time listed below. We have scheduled 3-hour slots in order to allow time to transition between parks, and anticipate the actual forum in each park will last no longer than two hours. The forums will consist of prepared questions and audience questions.

*Saturday, October 7th

Ward 1 – Pioneer Park, 10 a.m.

Ward 2 – Castle Rock Park, 1 p.m.

Ward 3 – Central Park, 4 p.m.

*Sunday, October 8th

Ward 4 – Veterans’ Park, 1 p.m.

Ward 5 – Centennial Park, 4 p.m.


Bonnie Lorenzen,

LWV Billings President.

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