Politics and Outdoors: an unfitting mix

Dear Editor,

I just read Carl Wolf’s rather undisciplined statements about people he disagrees with and your response (and then his). I’m still confused how an outdoor columnist thinks his column is a political column. “The snow fell, the deer season is here…and I think Trump is a bad guy and anyone who voted for him is an ignorant oaf.”  It just does not fit his column’s purpose and is off-putting. I think most readers don’t mind a contrary opinion that is witty, charming, based in mental discipline and constructive. Unfortunately, Mr. Wolf has lapsed at times in his discipline as an outdoor writer by becoming a Trump hater. There is an actual mental disorder clouding the good judgment and balanced thinking of previously temperate citizens.  Hopefully he can rise above such things. The outdoor column itself sans the politics is positive and a nice reflection on his life’s interests as it relates to the passing seasons and outdoor interests that many others share.

Finally, I think a newspaper that is fiscally conservative needs to mention and even challenge any government entity that is not taking care of the public checkbook. Our federal government under President Trump is scheduled to spend over $1 Trillion (yes, with a T) dollars that it does not have this year alone. We have now $23 Trillion in debt and the clock is ticking higher at $2 Million every minute (see https://usdebtclock.org). This is unsustainable, especially since we have a strong economy and record employment. President Trump presides over an annual deficit that is larger than President Obama’s largest deficit before the sequester was put in place. President Trump needs to get serious about leading out on curbing the deficit and federal spending. I know it takes more than one person, but he is the President of the United States of America. Fiscal responsibility and leadership must start somewhere.


Michael McNiven

West Lafayette, Indiana


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One comment on “Politics and Outdoors: an unfitting mix

  1. I love most of the things he is doing except two things.First leave Medicare alone. We senior citizen and worked all our lives paying in on medicare and social security so we can retire. All these years l heard our government stating they are taking money out of social security to fund this or that program. I heard all my life how we were promise this money will be paid back but all l hear is let raid the medicare or social security some more then complain that S.S is going broke. Time to stop raiding it and pay it back. One way is to stop wasting our taxes with bogus claims against our president. Time is to stop. First get rid Nancy P. NOW.