Daily Archives: May 17, 2018

Has hunting and fishing become Montanans’ God?

Dear Editor:

Has hunting and fishing become Montanans’ God?

Recently, I was walking doors during a campaign for a friend. I encountered a guy who was concerned about the candidate’s views on hunting and fishing rights. It became obvious that he was a single-issue voter; he did not care about jobs, the size of government, taxes, ethical issues, etc. All he cared about was making sure his recreation was unrestricted.

This man’s priorities are not unusual – this mindset is all too read more

Billings group files class action lawsuit against City of Billings

BILLINGS — Six Billings residents have filed a class action lawsuit against the City of Billings, claiming officials are illegally collecting franchise fees on city utility bills. At issue is a practice used by City of Billings officials since 1993 … read more