Daily Archives: April 20, 2018

McNiven Meanderings – Obituaries and the Billings Gazette

Jonathan McNiven

Well, folks, I’m writing to inform the masses and especially our valued, loyal readers and residents of Yellowstone County of our options for obituaries due to some of the comments, concerns and feedback we’ve gotten from funeral homes and the general consumers (You, the public) in regards to obituaries that are published in the Billings Gazette.

As the Billings Gazette has made changes over the last years and especially the last months, we have been asked to provide a solution to a need that keeps reappearing in conversations and public dialogue for obituaries.

I’ve had a number of people ask us about providing online obituaries due to the cost that the Gazette is charging, so we have evaluated our options for obituary submissions to our paper to better serve the public and masses so here are the reasons we’ve decided to make the added changes and options for the people.

First off, I understand that the Billings Gazette has to always evaluate their prices and options as we do, and they have to make business decisions from a business standpoint, so I understand that change as I am a business owner myself.

But first, here is a general obituary comparison to the Gazette and Yellowstone County News in price. We charge $35 for a general obituary that includes a picture. The Gazette charges $35 PER COLUMN INCH and an additional $10 for a picture.

Here are some of the recent changes the Gazette has recently made that affect funeral homes and you the consumer.

According to the Last Best News read more