Dear Editor:
In November, Montana voters have an important role to play in giving Republicans a 60-vote majority in the Senate.
Since each state gets two senators, one Montana vote is worth 19.85 New York and 39.54 California votes, since our population is 1.05 million and those states have 19.85 and 39.54 million people.
The last 12 years, Sen. Jon Tester, Democrat, has taken it upon himself to give your votes to New York and California. He decided to represent the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, not Montana. Chuck Schumer calls the tune and former music teacher Tester plays it well, with Nancy Pelosi pounding the drum.
Tester was the anchor vote for ObamaCare, of which he exempted himself because it’s so bad. He stood silent while Obama and the Democrats destroyed the Montana coal read more