Daily Archives: April 2, 2018

Russ Fagg called me and asked

Dear Editor:

A few days after the Ides of March, Russ Fagg called me and asked me if I would stop hammering him in my letters to the editor. At the suggestion of Mr. Fagg, , . First, I would like people to understand that I am not in anyway biased against multi-millionaires, even those  running for office. I even represented a doctor who the state of California was suing in a civil action. His house alone was worth over $14 million over 25 years ago.

I actually readily identify with Dr. Al Olsezeski in many ways. My father was a blue-collar type person. He proudly identified himself as a dirt farmer. I grew up on the Herbert ranch in the southern Salinas Valley of California. This was the area John Steinbeck referred to as East of Eden. My family grew a variety of crops and had some Hereford cattle. Dr. Olszewski’s family were  both farmers and miners in Montana.

After flying in combat in Vietnam, I was given a read more