Dear Editor:
YVEC Installs Questionable AMI Smart Meters Without Informed Consent
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative (YVEC) has installed new AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) “smart” utility meters without our informed consent. AMI Smart Meters could be an invasion of privacy and also a cyber-security threat. They are associated with a host of health conditions, and catch on fire and explode more easily due to their design.
YVEC has operated under a veil of secrecy and deception concerning these meters. For example, the manager of YVEC adamantly claimed that they did not use any government funding to install these surveillance capable devices. However, legal discovery documents show that YVEC did take government funding to deploy the Smart Grid and Smart Meters.
Other false claims made by YVEC are that AMI Smart Meters radiate much lower than cell phones, thus making them “safe,” and that all utilities have smart meters, therefore, no big deal.
YVEC is the only utility in our area which has deployed two-way surveillance capable meters. The Montana Public Service Commission states that all other utilities, which come under their regulations, do NOT use Smart Meters. They use one-way meters which have lower risks and are not part of the Smart Grid.
Tests taken of AMI Smart meters show radiation readings 10-100 times HIGHER than read more