Daily Archives: November 21, 2017

Lockwood high school planners shooting for May 2018 ballot

Originally published in the early edition of 11/24/17 print edition.

LOCKWOOD — Every effort will be made to get a bond proposal to build a new high school for Lockwood on the ballot in May 2018. A special meeting of the Lockwood School Board will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Lockwood School Administration Building to further discuss what they want in a high school and to interview architectural firms.

Putting a bond measure on the ballot this spring will be tough, but it can be done, said Chad Hanson, who heads the committee that is leading the campaign for a new high school. Hanson told the Lockwood School Board last Tuesday that whatever they decide, his committee is ready to support them.

Many people at the school board meeting urged advancing the bond election as soon as possible to sustain the momentum of the 2-1 — almost 70 percent — election victory of the previous week, which established the boundaries of the proposed K-12 district.

But the concerns of the Lockwood School Board go beyond sustaining momentum. They are concerned about the possibility of Billings School District 2 (SD2) passing a bond election that would encumber Lockwood taxpayers should Lockwood fail to get their bond on the ballot prior to SD2.

In order to finalize the creation of a Lockwood K-12 district, Lockwood has two years to put a bond proposal before the voters, but until then, Lockwood remains part of Billing’s high school district and is responsible to pay for any bonds they might pass in the interim.

Under state law, Lockwood K-12 district would come into existence on July 1 following a successful bond levy. If a bond were approved in read more