Daily Archives: September 21, 2016

Lockwood sewer expansion drawing interest

by Evelyn Pyburn-Originally published for the print edition of Yellowstone County News.

LOCKWOOD — With 21 property owners having applied and paid fees to connect to the Phase Two of the Lockwood Sewer within a two-week span, Lockwood Water and Sewer (LWSD) Board members were quite pleased. During their monthly meeting last week, staff said that they are receiving at least one call a day wanting details about connecting to the system, which was completed last month.

Notices were sent out two weeks ago to property owners announcing that they can now connect to the new sewer line. Ten contractors have also submitted paper work to the district to be approved as qualified to install systems for homeowners.

Other discussion by the board centered on more business for the sewer system, the district’s prospective agreement wit h Exxon Mobile to also connect to the system to transport up to 2 million gallons of waste a day to the Billings treatment plant.

Exxon is approaching the deadline for greater restrictions on discharging into the river, which means they will have to read more