Originally published in the print edition of the Yellowstone County News on 7/29/16.
I thought it a fitting time to write about politics since it is the presidential campaign season along with our own local elections. From Trumpmania to our local Safe Montana campaigns, I couldn’t help but tune into parts of the Republican National Convention last week and see all the commotion.
I did not watch all the convention as I did not have time to watch it all, but I did catch the cliff note re-runs on Youtube. As I’ve watched Donald Trump and his unorthodox campaign and decisions over the last year, it gives me see a glimpse into the future of how he would govern as a President Trump.
Firstly, I thought it backhanded that other GOP Presidential candidates like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, et al decided to back out and do an “about face” once Trump secured the nomination and not endorse the candidate, especially after Trump endorsed some of them like Mitt Romney. I was personally on both of Mitt Romney’s unsuccessful Presidential campaigns and wanted him to win but he choked and lost. One has to move on, but Mitt Romney apparently has not, in my opinion. Neither has Ted Cruz, who would not endorse Trump at the convention who actually did sign the pledge previously in the primary season. Just goes to show how much of a politician Ted Cruz is as he could have easily justified his endorsement of Trump as he previously signed the pledge to support the eventual nominee. Had he done that, understanding the type of primary he would go through, I would have completely understood and admired him for being a man of his word, but I digress because he did not.
I personally, would not have even signed the pledge if I was not completely willing to support whoever the nominee was, even if it was read more